Whitefly update: The bean plants are tanking. I've completely lost 3 plants entirely. Shown here are 2 more that I don't expect to recover. I've been treating the plants since Friday with spray and each day I inspect, I continue to see whiteflies on the undersides of the leaves. I ordered some whitefly strips from amazon.com. In the beginning I was really upset, but as I thought about this I decided that the beans took only a week to really start growing. I can grow some more bean pretty quickly so I need to stop whining and just wait for silly, yellow strips and then get rid of the insects and grow some more beans. Hopefully the strips will get here soon because I see they are attacking the really healthy bean plants too now. Notice the curling of the leaves. When I saw the wilting leaves, I knew. It was confirmed when I turned the leaf over and saw all the little white buggers just hanging around having a little tea party without me.
Lessons Learned:
- Do not put newly bought houseplants near your garden plants.
- Always keep whitefly/aphid strips on hand so you don't have to wait for them to be shipped
New Orchid - Notice 2 Buds Baby!! |
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